For the first time, Pakistan had summoned an Indian head of mission to leave Islamabad on August 7, 2019, when High Commissioner Ajay Bisaria was dismissed. The strained connection between the two neighbors who had been born within a day of one another in 1947 reached a new low with his expulsion. After Article 370 was removed from the former state of Jammu & Kashmir, there was a recent diplomatic spat, but tensions had been building for some time due to terrorist attacks in Pakistan, Indian airstrikes against terrorists in Balakot, and Pakistan's grandstanding over the release of an Indian Air Force pilot named Abhinandan Varthaman.
A manual for having fantastic sex in the twenty-first century is called The Arts of Seduction. It aims to enhance the enjoyment of what has been primarily reduced to an act of rapid pleasure. The book explores a variety of techniques and refinements that take sex to a whole new level. These include creative codes for love messages, the effects of applying perfume to different parts of the body, the many different types of kissing, where and how to massage your lover's feet, and what kind of jewelry to wear during lovemaking. The book draws inspiration from the Kama Sutra, whose groundbreaking attitudes towards sex remain relevant thousands of years after it was first composed.