This book covers a wide range of topics, including the development of improved mulberry genotypes, the effects of bio-inoculants, the effects of green manuring and FYM on mulberry fresh leaf yield, the influence of soil quality on mulberry yield, and the growth and yield parameters of various mulberry varieties. The chapter "Chawaki Mulberry Garden" offers a fascinating description of a profitable commercial silkworm rearing operation. This book, which consists of 19 chapters written by specialists and researchers who have studied the subject in-depth, has been painted on a big canvas using broad strokes.
Bombay's mulberry (Morus spp.) is a major commercial crop that is grown widely in temperate and tropical climates as the only plant that silkworms eat. Mulberry, a perennial foliage plant with deep roots and high biomass production, became significant in the silk worm industry. Aside from other variables, the mulberry's leaf quality is unquestionably crucial to the maintenance of silkworms and the creation of silk. This has sparked interest among seri-biologists in using ongoing breeding efforts to create a range of improved mulberry strains. Additionally, studies were done to investigate and create mulberry plants that are resistant to disease and have better-quality leaves. This book, which consists of 19 chapters written by specialists and researchers who have studied the subject in-depth, has been painted on a big canvas using broad strokes.
Silk Culture: A Biochemical Approach is a cutting-edge product designed for the chemical engineering industry. It offers a revolutionary approach to cultivating silk with the use of advanced biochemical techniques, ensuring superior quality and increased yields.
Discover the rich and diverse textile industry of India and Pakistan, with a focus on traditional craftsmanship and modern innovations.
India is now the world's second-largest producer of silk, having achieved remarkable growth in both horizontal and vertical silk production through planned approaches. Only when new technologies are successfully applied in the field can they speed up the production process. The difficulty in India has primarily been with the sericulture farmers' rate of adoption and distribution of new technologies. This is the time when effective training, extension, planning, communication, and implementation—as well as motivating sericulture farmers—will be more crucial than ever. Extension is an organization that was founded with the purpose of organizing, carrying out, and assessing programs that educate people and inspire them to take action in addition to helping people develop as individuals and as leaders in their communities, the world at large, and their daily lives. The main goal of extension work is to make sure that farmers' issues receive focused attention, use the resources that are available, and improve the productivity and technical proficiency of farmers that practice sericulture. In light of this, the goal of this book is to clarify the application of practices, policies, and extension principles that relate to different strategies for the widespread adoption of new innovations, technologies, and methods in order to improve productivity and production in addition to the way of life for farmers who practice sericulture. The book "Sericulture Extension - Principles and Management" aims to inspire and support the field's efforts to uncover the mysteries of the various issues that are currently plaguing it as well as their solutions. The book is extremely thorough, covering a wide range of topics in nine chapters, including the socioeconomic significance of sericulture, theories and practices of extension, the system of extension, training in sericulture, communication and motivation in extension, technology percolation, and all of the fundamental concepts involved.