Preface Acknowledgments 1. The center of mass 2. Models of nuclear energy 3. Radioactivity 4. Force nuclear 5. Reactions nuclear 6. Radiation and matter interaction 7. Instruments and Detectors 8. Physics of Particles 9. Nuclear Physics Applications 10. Astrophysics using nuclei. Index of appendices and MATLAB programs (on the CD that goes with it).
In the modern world, wind energy is starting to show itself as one of the most practical solutions to the problem of rising energy consumption, especially for the production of electricity. It is abundant offshore, fuel-free, and available in practically every nation on Earth. Currently in its Third Edition, this book covers the majority of fundamental engineering theories, concepts, and best practices for developing wind energy for the production of electricity, with a distinct focus on state-of-the-art. This episode discusses the latest advancements in wind energy. It has sections on re-powering and remote sensing applications.
Alpaydin Ethem (Author)
Students pursuing a B.Tech in Electrical, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering as well as an M.Tech in Power System/Energy Engineering/Energy Management should use this textbook. Additionally, it will be helpful for MBA programs in Energy Management offered remotely by some colleges. The book, which is currently in its second edition, provides a thorough overview of energy analysis techniques and tools to maximize energy use and improve efficiency while converting energy from one form to another. It highlights the many uses by illuminating the energy analysis techniques applied in buildings, transportation networks, and enterprises. The composition of the energy balance equation for such systems and the thermodynamic principles of energy conversion are also covered.
This simplifies learning. Make more progress faster with Project 2016. Wherever you need answers, jump in. Quick tutorials and screenshots walk you through each stage of the process. Capture and refine work and cost details; Use Gantt charts and other views and reports to visualize project schedules; Share resources across multiple plans and consolidate projects; Quickly start a new plan, create task lists, and assign resources; Share your plan and track your progress; Learn the best practices for project management as you progress. Identify the tasks and lessons you require.
This widely recognized textbook offers a thorough introduction to the current field of computer algorithm research. It provides in-depth coverage of a wide variety of algorithms while keeping the design and analysis understandable to readers of all skill levels. Every chapter covers an algorithm, a design method, an application domain, or a related subject and is mostly self-contained. Anybody with some programming experience may understand the descriptions and designs of the algorithms. The explanations have been kept simple without compromising mathematical rigor or depth of material.
Scientists, engineers, and businesspeople have access to a wealth of new resources thanks to the quick development and integration of databases. These resources can be studied to find patterns that have commercial value, optimize industrial processes, and lead to scientific breakthroughs. Researchers and practitioners have developed novel techniques specifically aimed at huge data mining challenges in addition to adopting well-established algorithms from databases, machine learning, neural networks, and statistics to carry out these massive data mining projects.
First Introductory Note 2. Financial Contribution 3. The Stock Exchange 4. Exchanges for Stocks 5. The Exchanges' Trading System 6. Danger 7. Basic Analysis: Economic Evaluation 8. Analysis of the Industry and Companies Share Valuation (9) 10. Evaluation of Bonds Eleventh, Technical Evaluation 12. Efficient Theory of Markets 13. Portfolio Evaluation 14. Portfolio Selection 15. The Model of Capital Asset Pricing (CAPM) 16. Theory of Arbitrage Pricing (APT) 17. Revision of Portfolio 18. Evaluation of a Portfolio 19. Derivatives in Finance 20. Prospects 21. Choices 22. Glossary Bibliography Index Appendix on Option Pricing
Introduction 1. Cloud Computing: A Synopsis 2. Architecture for Cloud Computing 3. Cloud-based virtualization 4. Security Problems and Difficulties with Cloud Computing 5. Management of Security 6. Attacks Specific to Virtualization Systems 7. Internet Services 8. Privacy and Security of Data 9. Architecture Oriented on Services 10. Transferring Programs to Cloud Computing 11. Applications for Cloud Computing 12. Cloud Computing Standards 13. Cloud computing on mobile devices 14. Microservices Index
Panneerselvam R (Author)
The book offers thorough coverage of the food science aspects of processing and preservation, including technological, microbiological, and chemical processes on the one hand, and evaluation of food safety and quality, new and modified foods through fermentation, food-borne illnesses, and food spoiling on the other. There has also been a thorough discussion of the preservation procedures that involve the use of radiation and extreme temperatures. This study was designed to serve as a textbook for science and engineering undergraduate students, but it would also be very beneficial to professionals, academics, and postgraduate students taking food science courses.
A manual for technicians, trainers, and engineers on solar photovoltaic technology and systems, written by Chetan Singh Solanki, provides instructions on how to use solar PV technology and systems and includes relevant descriptions. The book's topics include various battery kinds, solar radiation, battery measurements in SPV (Solar PhotoVoltaic) systems, as well as their uses and significance in the field of renewable energy.The book's main titles include: calculating energy requirements and SPV modules; fundamentals of electricity; wires; system installation; connecting to arrays; SPV captive power systems and design; charge controllers; inverters; MPPT; troubleshooting tips when using the SPV system; system design; and related illustrations.
The multidisciplinary field of renewable energy sources is growing more and more significant, and this book offers an extremely approachable introduction to it. It will be helpful for courses in environmental science and is meant to be used as a textbook for undergraduate students studying mechanical and electrical engineering. Beginners can learn about the fundamental energy conversion procedures in several renewable energy-based devices, like solar photovoltaics, solar water heaters, wind turbines, and biomass plants, with the aid of this book.