A precise, pertinent, and thorough approach to mathematical principles is presented in Rosen's Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. In order to meet the needs of a number of majors and departments, including mathematics, computer science, and engineering, this well-known best-selling text was created. The book is the industry standard and a versatile, thorough, and effective pedagogical teaching resource for educators. Connect is recognized as the industry leader in digital for this field as digital takes on more significance and appeal.
This work unites the two main lines of development in the field by presenting a statistical mathematical theory: French and Russian probabilists transformed the classical calculus of probability into a rigorous and pure mathematical theory, while British and American statisticians developed the science of statistical inference.
Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics is a comprehensive guide to statistics in economics. It covers essential methods and techniques for analyzing economic data. Perfect for students and professionals in the field.
Sydsaeter (Author)
The text is presented in the third version of the book, which has been rewritten, in the Schaum's Outlines-style manner appropriate to the course requirements. All topics have been explained with a brief theoretical exposition in addition to the strong renewed pedagogical characteristics to help students better learn discrete mathematics.
The most recent publication of this timeless work was twenty years ago. A longtime user of the material (British Columbia University and Simon Fraser University), Kevin Wainwright has completed the ideal rewrite; he added examples, applications, and theory without altering Alpha Chiang's elegant, exact presentation style. The patience of the readers will be rewarded.
The study of mathematical structures that are essentially discrete rather than continuous is known as discrete mathematics and its applications (SIE). Discrete objects deal more strictly with countable sets and are frequently enumerated by integers. This well-known resource, which is in use at more than 600 universities worldwide, provides a concise overview of the main ideas covered in a Discrete Mathematics course. It contributes to proving the applicability and relevance of discrete mathematics to a broad range of real-world scenarios. Computer science, data networking, psychology, chemistry, engineering, linguistics, biology, business, and other disciplines can all benefit from these applications. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company released Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (SIE) 7th Edition in 2011. You can get it in paperback.
This book is a development of the writers' courses and likely covers more ground than would be expected in a one-year course. The writers' interests influence the selection of content in part.
This classic text is intended for functional analysis graduate courses. This text is used in contemporary applied mathematics and analysis research. More examples and exercises are included in this updated edition, along with topic presentations that are current. Kakutani's fixed point theorem, Lamonosov's invariant subspace theorem, and an ergodic theorem are among the new subjects covered.
This well-known book presents post-calculus mathematics in a way that is appropriate for students studying engineering and applied sciences. It has enough content for several short courses on topics including vector analysis, applied linear algebra, complex variables, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and boundary-value problems, or for a two-year program in applied mathematics. The engineering department or the mathematics department, or occasionally both, offer the courses. It is acknowledged that advanced engineering mathematics is accurate, precise, and useful.
The goal of the book is to provide a thorough yet simple explanation of the principles of control system theory and application. For a better comprehension of the topics, illustrative examples have been used to provide the essential mathematical tools. For updated coverage, this revised and adapted edition includes new subjects on discrete state space analysis, time response of first and second order systems, and state variable analysis. The book has a ton of practice problems and examples that have been solved. The book includes MATLAB examples to assist students in problem solving.
The course Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes was created for students taking graduate- or senior-level probability courses. This book will be helpful to anyone studying mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering.The writers have thoroughly discussed the underlying ideas and included examples of basic applications to show how to use them. In addition to having a co-author, this version has undergone extensive revision and updating. With a great deal of supplementary examples to help students better comprehend the theory, about 30% of the content is new. To improve the content's flow, several adjustments have been made to the textbook's design.There are eight chapters in the first section of Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes.
This best-selling, theorem-proof book carefully covers the fundamental concepts of linear algebra and uses numerous examples to show off the subject's versatility. While highlighting the mutually beneficial link between matrices and linear transformations, it also presents theorems in the context of the more general infinite-dimensional case where necessary.
This book provides a thorough treatment of some of the more advanced mathematical topics that have applications in a variety of engineering domains, especially as instruments for computer-based system modeling, analysis, and design. It builds upon the foundations established in the companion text Modern Engineering Mathematics. Students that adhere to the learning-by-doing mindset are better equipped to apply their mastery of mathematics to the solution of engineering challenges. Students are additionally supported by an abundance of engineering examples and the combination of MATLAB and MAPLE.
For an Introduction to Topology course taken as a senior undergraduate or first year graduate student. Suitable for distinct courses addressing each topic independently or a one-semester course covering both algebraic and broad topology. The goal of this book is to give teachers an easy-to-use single text resource that will help them bridge the gap between their general and algebraic topology courses. Based on the same core set of fundamental concepts, two unique sections—one on algebraic topology and the other on generic point set topology—each fit within a one-semester course. Depending on the requirements and desires of the course, optional, separate topics and applications can be thoroughly researched and developed.
Students in all of these fields can learn the basic ideas and methods of genuine analysis from this text. It fosters the growth of one's capacity for deductive reasoning, mathematical situation analysis, and concept extension into novel contexts. This edition, like the previous three, has the same spirit and approachable style while adding more examples and going into greater detail about set theory and logical operations. Additionally, the following areas have had their content revised: Before talking about continuity, introduce point-set topology. This includes going over limsup and limimf in more detail, covering series that immediately follow sequences, covering Lebesgue Integral and the construction of the reals, and, whenever possible, bringing up potential applications with the students.
Differential equations instruction in the classroom must keep up with the times given the state of technology and industry today. The third edition of Brannan/Boyce's Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications is appropriate for a first-year differential equations course and aligns with the everyday mathematical applications used by scientists and engineers. The book places a strong emphasis on taking a systems approach to the topic and combines the usage of present computing technology with engineering and scientific applications.
The algebraic content in this book has been thoroughly revised, especially the sections on finite groups and Galois Theory. In addition, the book includes fresh algebraic puzzles.
In this thesis, an intelligent health monitoring system that can anticipate the onset of geared transmission joint problems is successfully constructed and put into service, especially for usage on industrial robots. On the other hand, the proposed embedded wireless condition monitoring system lends itself extremely well to applications on any power transmission equipment where access is restricted and loads and speeds vary. Thus, there is a lot of room for growth in the future.
highly regarded algebraic text. The purpose of this book is to shed light on the beauty and power that arise from the intricate interactions between several branches of mathematics. The book methodically explains the theory of various algebraic structures, providing many examples and exercises to help the student understand the material from basic definitions to some in-depth results. Readers are able to understand how mathematical structures and their interactions produce insightful and potent outcomes in a variety of contexts.
The book offers a probabilistic understanding, insight into problem solving, and a non-measure theoretic introduction to stochastic processes. This revised edition includes more information on compound Poisson random variables, such as an identity that can be used to compute moments efficiently, Poisson approximations, and examples of the Gibb's sampler, the Metropolis algorithm, and mean cover time in star graphs. It also covers the mean time spent in transient states.
The fifth edition of Regression Analysis by Example has been completely revised and expanded to take into account the most recent developments in the field. Statistical theory is still less important than exploratory data analysis. Regression diagnostics, transformation, multicollinearity, logistic regression, and robust regression are all covered in-depth in this book. Regression analysis techniques are explained in detail, and examples are given that show the kinds of abnormalities that are frequently seen in the actual world. Each example focuses on one or two techniques and includes in-depth explanations of the techniques themselves, along with the necessary presumptions and each technique's assessed level of success. Most statistical software packages now on the market, including R, SPSS, SAS, and Minitab, can be used to perform the procedures outlined in this book.
An extensive introduction to the fields of mathematical physics is given in this book. It condenses all of the fundamental math ideas into a single, easily readable reference. With the aid of this book, readers can acquire a strong foundation in a variety of mathematical topics and develop a foundational understanding of advanced physics, chemistry, and engineering.
This was the first text on the identification of organic compounds using spectroscopy, and it was initially published more than 40 years ago. These days, this text is regarded as a classic. This text's wide collection of real-data problems is its main strength. These spectra are used as reference data by even experienced chemists. Written by and for organic chemists, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds highlights the cooperative effect that arises from the interaction of the spectra. This book's approach to problem-solving with copious reference charts and tables is what makes it unique.
All of the group, ring, and field theory that is typically covered in an advanced contemporary algebra course is covered in this book; the specific parts that contain this information are listed in the Table of Contents. It does not go into the Galois theory or the Sylow theorems. The author believes that more time should be spent on these issues if they are to be appreciated, even though they could only be briefly discussed in the first course.
This book effectively closes a gap in the body of knowledge on mathematical techniques. Fractional calculus and path integrals are being used in an increasing variety of applied sciences study fields, including financial markets, crashes, ruptures, and earthquakes. For novice researchers and educators, the book's two distinct chapters on these topics—written in a way that makes these sophisticated methodologies understandable to a multidisciplinary audience—are an invaluable resource. It is assumed that readers are conversant with the subjects that are typically taught in the first three years of undergraduate programs in science and engineering. There is enough content in the book for three semesters of instruction.
This book, which is divided into 16 chapters, begins by introducing students to the fundamentals of algebra before delving deeply into subjects like group theory and field theory. It also includes a variety of difficult activities and examples that complement each chapter even more. This book is perfect for an undergraduate mathematics course because it covers all the relevant material.
With a thorough examination of only one facet—number theory—A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, Fourth Edition aims to acquaint students with the general ideas and methods of mathematics. Students are gradually brought up to the point where they are actively conducting mathematical research while gaining an overview of the state of the field, starting with nothing more advanced than high school algebra. Numerous numerical examples are included in the text, which is suitable for an undergraduate audience. These examples are examined for trends and utilized to form hypotheses. Rather than focusing on particular outcomes, the procedures for proving propositions are highlighted.
This course covers both basic statistics and elementary probability, with a focus on applications in engineering and science. It is jam-packed with exercises and examples. The author's personal consulting experience and conversations with scientists and engineers regarding the application of statistics in their domains have yielded a significant portion of the data. The emphasis of the work shifts to designed experiments in later chapters, particularly two-level factorial design.
Originally written as a textbook on linear algebra for mathematics majors and postgraduates, this book offers a clear and thorough explanation of the fundamentals. Its narrative style offers a novel perspective on the subject, drawing from the author's many years of classroom experience as well as in-depth conversations with instructors and students. It also streamlines mathematical proofs by eliminating superfluous textual details.
A updated version of Katsuhiko Ogata's book, Discrete-Time Control Systems, provides a thorough explanation of discrete-time control systems. This book provides a progressive development of the subject and is intended for use in specialized courses for both undergraduate and graduate students. It stays away from intricate mathematical reasoning in favor of emphasizing the core ideas. To make the content easier for readers to grasp, Ogata made it concise and straightforward. It goes into great detail to explain pole location, quadratic optimum control, and state observer design. Using two primary techniques, the book clarifies the treatment of the pole-placement design with minimum-order observer. These are the polynomial equations approach and the state-space approach.
Ideal for advanced and postgraduate courses in Automata, Theory of Computation, and Computer Science Theory. This is the much anticipated Second Edition of the widely read theory of computing textbook by Lewis and Papadimitriou. The writers have improved the readability of their content in this significantly revised version by making it more approachable for a wider range of undergraduate students without a background in mathematics.
This book offers a cohesive perspective on calculus where theory and application support one another. More in-depth than the traditional advanced calculus texts, it covers the theory and applications of derivatives (mainly partial), integrals (primarily numerous or improper), and infinite series (largely of functions rather than of numbers).
The fundamentals of differential equations are covered in this book in accordance with the UGC curriculum for differential equations undergraduate courses that are provided by all Indian institutions. The book offers a fair overview of all themes necessary to grasp the subject at the undergraduate level, emphasizing both theoretical and practical principles equally, which makes it a perfect text for the classroom. Written in clear, understandable language, this student-friendly book includes 400 end-of-chapter tasks, over 300 solved examples, and a plethora of questions to support the concepts covered.
This book, which may be studied in a typical semester course, covers the content essential for research in the modern world. It is the culmination of two years' worth of work toward teaching the required post-graduate first semester applied mathematics course at IIT Kanpur's Department of Mechanical Engineering.
For mathematics undergraduate students, algebra is a required course. Most universities offer the course as a two- or three-year course or as a two- or three-semester course. In light of this, we are releasing three books that cover algebra at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Mathematics for Economic Analysis
This best-selling textbook provides students with a thorough understanding of every aspect of hydrogeology. The focus of the work is on using mathematics to solve problems rather than developing theories. It offers a hydrogeological equilibrium between chemical and physical aspects. Students' comprehension of the occurrence and flow of ground water in various geologic contexts is developed via a multitude of case studies.
First Course In Abstract Algebra
An introduction to some of the key ideas in contemporary mathematics may be found in Discrete Mathematics. Discrete mathematics methods and ideas are explained with a wealth of examples. The goal of the book is to give mathematics majors a solid foundation while also covering content needed by readers for whom mathematics is only a tool. Additionally, a considerable emphasis is placed on the crucial role that discrete mathematics plays in computer science. Software professionals, educators, and students may all benefit from this book.
The seventh edition of this famous work updates its discussion of Computer Algebra Systems and Programming Languages while maintaining the aspects that have made it successful. The exercise sets contain more difficult tasks and projects that demonstrate how to apply the knowledge in real-world scenarios. Additionally, portions that cover using computer algebra programs like MATLAB, Mathematica, and Maple help to integrate technology into the course. In addition, the book includes programming material written in C and FORTRAN. The variety of subjects covered, including matrix algebra, systems of nonlinear equations, and partial differential equations, offers thorough and adaptable coverage of every facet of numerical analysis.
This textbook is intended for use in an undergraduate mathematics course. It covers the fundamental concepts in the classical theory of functions of real variables, measures, limits, and continuity that are expected of all graduate students. This textbook is flexible, useful, and easy to read. It gives students a practical perspective on basic theorems and concepts, demonstrating the purpose of mathematics and empowering them to create their own proofs.
The top undergraduate textbook for Level 1 and Level 2 mathematics courses for students studying electrical and electronic engineering, systems, and communications engineering is Engineering Mathematics. It covers all the pertinent mathematics topics needed for these engineering degrees, in addition to a refresher of basic mathematics.
A solid mathematical treatment that rises smoothly in sophistication is what sets Ross and Wright apart; this has been revised for further clarity. To help students comprehend, apply, and progress to increasingly complex mathematical concepts, the text provides utility-grade discrete math tools.