Discover insightful reads on architecture's world. Dive into a collection of books that unravel the art and science behind remarkable structures.
Architecture and Health promotes a new mindset for the profession by recognizing the close relationship between the built environment and health. In order to investigate novel design ideas related to health outcomes, more than 40 international award-winning projects are featured.
Building Codes Illustrated is a must-have reference for architects and designers. It provides a visual guide to understanding building codes and regulations.
"A Visual Dictionary of Architecture" is a comprehensive reference book that visually explores architectural concepts, styles, and elements. Discover the world of architecture with over 2,000 illustrations and concise descriptions.
"A Visual Dictionary of Architecture" is a comprehensive guide that brings the world of architecture to life with clear and engaging visuals. It covers everything from ancient monuments to contemporary structures, making it an essential resource for architecture enthusiasts and professionals.
Explore the intricate beauty of Islamic architecture in India. Discover the stunning mosques, palaces, and tombs that showcase the rich culture and heritage of this ancient style.
A form of enjoyment is reading books. It's a healthy habit to read. We provide you with a variety of books. You can take this book with you wherever you go. It's simple to carry. It might make a wonderful present for both you and your loved ones. cautionary advice: stay away from fire.
shows quite clearly the distinctive qualities that make for understandable, sociable, and controllable locations; "Responsive Environments" - as opposed to the alienating environments frequently enforced today. It illustrates how they might be incorporated into spaces or buildings with the use of sketches and illustrations.
The many facets of property maintenance are thoroughly covered by building maintenance management.
In the second edition of Direct and Alternating Current Machinery (pb 2001), the most recent guidelines and material are included. Content that is thorough and easy to understand., paperback, Rosenblatt, CBS.
The whole body of work by Gowan is covered in the book, starting with his early employment with Powell and Moya and Lyons Israel Ellis and continuing through a number of significant projects from his collaboration with James Stirling, including the Leicester Engineering Faculty, 1963. Since then, Gowan has completed forty years' worth of work under his own name, including the Schreiber House, which was finished in 1964 and is one of the most significant buildings to be constructed in Britain during the past hundred years.
The fundamentals of good design are covered in this book. Key designs by renowned designers are segmented into sections addressing the core components of design, serving to illustrate technical points and inspire readers to try out novel concepts. Narrative, color, illusion, adornment, simplicity, wit and humor are only a few of the topics explored.
This insightful book covers wind tunnel models, aerodynamics, and applications. It will be an important resource for both professionals and students. It offers an understanding of the several wind tunnel designs and their enormous research possibilities. It gathers specialist research on subsonic and supersonic wind tunnel designs that can be used in a variety of fields. Aspects of stationary and portable subsonic wind tunnel designs are covered in the book. It also explains things about supersonic wind tunnels and talks about how to deal with the consequences of fan blade rotation fluctuation. An analysis of wind tunnel applications in a variety of engineering domains, such as environmental, mechanical, chemical, and civil engineering, is also included in this book.
is easy to read and provides a thorough and methodical coverage of the subject. stresses that concepts and terminology must be fully understood before moving on to analysis and design. It also carefully combines the fundamental engineering principles with their application to real-world design issues.
This book, which is written in an approachable style, explains the fundamentals of surveying and leveling in a straightforward and organized way. The most recent advancements have been updated and extensively rewritten in the second edition. Features of the Book Now included is coverage of GIS, remote sensing, total stations, and electromagnetic distance measurement. Incorporated tunneling, docks, harbors, and airport surveys Students will be able to better prepare for exams by using the model question papers with answers and the short-answer questions that are included in each chapter.Contents Table:Overview Compass traversing a plane, chain surveying, contouring, leveling, and calculating area Volume Theodolite Traversing Curves Calculation Project Surveys for Tacheometric Surveying Setting Out of Hydrographic Survey Appendix A: Surveying in Advance Appendix B: Sample Questions and Responses Appendix C: Sample Test Questions
Joseph Dechiara (Author), Julius Panero (Author), Martin Zelnik (Author)
This updated edition complies with IS 456:2000's requirements as well as relevant current codes and the field of reinforced concrete design's advancements. This book, which is meant for engineers and students alike, emphasizes conceptual clarity by providing up-to-date coverage of all necessary subjects.
Students will get an understanding of the current planning difficulties through case studies featuring award-winning ideas from Urban Designers, Architects, Structural Designers, Builders, and Landscape Architects. Students can enhance their imagination, inventiveness, and originality through project work pertaining to the urban environment, architecture, construction, and drawing.
Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
The tenth edition of Computer Organization and Architecture is a user-friendly resource for students studying computers, with material that is clear, succinct, and easy to understand. Real-world examples have been incorporated throughout to cover topics like RISC and parallel processors, as well as I/O functions and structures. This text makes sure that students are effectively engaged in the field of computer organization and architecture through the use of fresh content and improved pedagogy.
Futures, Options, and Swaps is the most complete text on derivatives markets available, written in an approachable, non-technical tone. Since this is the only book that takes such an approach to teaching that is both reader-friendly and instructional, students will be able to understand the subject without the help of a professor, allowing teachers to focus on teaching more technical courses or only the most important themes. Current situations in a number of fields are reflected in new and updated information, such as government regulation, electronic trading platforms, hedge funds, globalization of markets, and financial scandals involving derivatives.
The book Earthquake-Resistant Design of Building Structures offers the most recent cutting-edge research on seismic design and analysis. It is a great technical resource for practicing engineers and architects as well as graduate students studying civil and structural engineering. It is an excellent source of information for researchers. The first section of the book covers seismology, seismic measurements, seismic impacts on structures, and the estimation of seismic demand on structures. It also discusses load-resisting mechanisms, lateral load-resisting capacity of the structures, and the analysis and design of the structure for seismic resistance.
Revit users of all skill levels will find Mastering Revit Architecture's targeted discussions, in-depth exercises, and captivating real-world examples to be well-organized according to how users learn and use Revit. In order to make this the most comprehensive, practical, and comprehensible reference to Revit Architecture yet, the knowledgeable authors completely reevaluated the book's organization and content for this version in response to input from readers and Revit instructors.
Microprocessors 8085 and above are used throughout the book to illustrate the various principles. It is one of the most updated textbooks available, covering not only the curricula of the majority of Indian colleges but also providing extra information about the newest innovations such as the Intel Core - II Duo. The pedagogical portions of the book, such as "food for thought" and "quicksand corner," are outstanding and make for an engaging read.
This book's greatest qualities are its well-written material and the considerable amount of study and development that went into its layout. Simple language has been used to describe the fundamentals, and the book progressively moves on to more complex subjects. The arrangement and design of hardware, as well as how it affects software and its architecture, are heavily stressed in the book. The design and operation of a basic digital computer are also covered in the book. Every unit and how it operates is well described.
With the help of this text, students may gain a practical grasp of DSP processor architecture, programming, and real-time DSP system design. It includes DSP method implementation utilizing both fixed-point and floating-point processors, as well as real-world applications.
The input from readers all throughout the nation served as the foundation for this completely updated edition of Microcontrollers. It gets students ready for system creation with microcontrollers from the 68HC11, 80x96, ARM, and PIC families in addition to the 8051. It offers the ideal fusion of the subject's software and hardware components. The thorough description of how to utilize the RTOS, IDE, timers, interrupt handling mechanism, and program building blocks is a crucial component. It also includes a lot of figures and tables, examples, end-chapter summaries, definitions for important terminology, review questions, practice exercises, and multiple choice problems. It also covers topics like programming, interface, and system design.
Students adore Douglas Comer's methodical and straightforward approach to computer design. This unique work provides all the content students need to comprehend and create effective and accurate programs for current hardware by examining the fundamental principles from the perspective of a programmer and outlining programming implications.
The organization and architecture of computers are covered in detail in this book. It offers professionals, ranging from novices to experts, a thorough explanation of computer architecture supported by case studies, examples, and solved issues. salient Characteristics of the updated version:- thorough explanation of the ideas Updated and improved review questions adjustments made to the chapters in light of recent developments About the Author: B Govindarajulu teaches in Rajalakshmi Engineering College in Chennai at the moment. He is the creator and director of Chennai-based Microcode, a computer hardware training facility.
Reading literature can be enjoyable. It is a good habit to read books. We offer you a variety of book genres. You are free to carry this book wherever you go. It is lightweight and portable. It could be the perfect present for both you and your loved ones. Care instructions: stay out of the fire.
Computer Architecture and Organization, third edition, maintains the book's tried-and-true focus on fundamental concepts while offering a thorough updating of the content, particularly in the areas of case studies, worked examples, and problem sets. The treatment of performance-related topics, including pipelines, caches, and RISCs, has expanded in light of the significant advancements in computer technology over the past ten years. There are now numerous examples and chapter-ending problems included.
The most approachable treatment of compressible flow for professionals and students of mechanical and aerospace engineering can be found in Anderson's book. The third edition, in line with earlier editions, makes extensive use of historical vignettes that illustrate the development of the field. The third edition will be even more useful and user-friendly thanks to new pedagogical features like "Design Boxes," which provide examples of design decisions, and "Roadmaps," which illustrate how a topic has developed. The third edition achieves a careful balance between the use of contemporary numerical and computer techniques (like CFD) in industry and research, and the traditional methods of determining compressible flow. There will be a new book website with all of the instructor-friendly problem solutions.