The multidisciplinary field of renewable energy sources is growing more and more significant, and this book offers an extremely approachable introduction to it. It will be helpful for courses in environmental science and is meant to be used as a textbook for undergraduate students studying mechanical and electrical engineering. Beginners can learn about the fundamental energy conversion procedures in several renewable energy-based devices, like solar photovoltaics, solar water heaters, wind turbines, and biomass plants, with the aid of this book.
The crucial subjects in the discipline are once again covered in an approachable, student-friendly manner in Electric Machinery Fundamentals. One of the book's best qualities is still Chapman's straightforward style. In this edition, MATLAB's use has been improved, a large number of new problems have been introduced, and existing ones have been updated.
The eleventh edition of Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory gives students a thorough treatment of the topic, concentrating on all the fundamentals they will need to thrive in the workplace.
A thorough engineering textbook is "Principles of Power System". Additionally, it meets the needs of readers who want to learn more and get a solid foundation in power systems as a whole.
The departments of mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering both provide courses in powerplant technology, powerplant engineering, and energy conversion. It can also be used as an addition to energy analysis courses in programs or departments of mechanical or nuclear engineering.
The concepts, abilities, approaches, strategies, tools, and viewpoints that systems analysts need to successfully build information systems are covered in the sixth edition of Modern Systems Analysis and Design. To reflect the most recent developments in the field, this book has been condensed and revised.
The seventh version, which has been completely updated, gives engineers a thorough understanding of the fundamental ideas in the industry. It includes updated talks on recently developed heat transfer topics, including topics like nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, and alternative energy sources. Additionally modified to further demonstrate how to apply the content are the example problems. Additionally, engineers will develop an appreciation for the depth and beauty of the field as they adhere to the strict and methodical problem-solving technique.
You can get a thorough overview of contemporary cryptography with this updated version of the cryptography classic. The book describes how programmers and experts in electronic communications can protect computer data privacy by using cryptography, which is the process of encoding and decoding information. Numerous encryption methods are explained, along with helpful tips on how to incorporate them into cryptographic software and use them to address security issues.
In the modern world, wind energy is starting to show itself as one of the most practical solutions to the problem of rising energy consumption, especially for the production of electricity. It is abundant offshore, fuel-free, and available in practically every nation on Earth. Currently in its Third Edition, this book covers the majority of fundamental engineering theories, concepts, and best practices for developing wind energy for the production of electricity, with a distinct focus on state-of-the-art. This episode discusses the latest advancements in wind energy. It has sections on re-powering and remote sensing applications.
Students pursuing a B.Tech in Electrical, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering as well as an M.Tech in Power System/Energy Engineering/Energy Management should use this textbook. Additionally, it will be helpful for MBA programs in Energy Management offered remotely by some colleges. The book, which is currently in its second edition, provides a thorough overview of energy analysis techniques and tools to maximize energy use and improve efficiency while converting energy from one form to another. It highlights the many uses by illuminating the energy analysis techniques applied in buildings, transportation networks, and enterprises. The composition of the energy balance equation for such systems and the thermodynamic principles of energy conversion are also covered.
A manual for technicians, trainers, and engineers on solar photovoltaic technology and systems, written by Chetan Singh Solanki, provides instructions on how to use solar PV technology and systems and includes relevant descriptions. The book's topics include various battery kinds, solar radiation, battery measurements in SPV (Solar PhotoVoltaic) systems, as well as their uses and significance in the field of renewable energy.The book's main titles include: calculating energy requirements and SPV modules; fundamentals of electricity; wires; system installation; connecting to arrays; SPV captive power systems and design; charge controllers; inverters; MPPT; troubleshooting tips when using the SPV system; system design; and related illustrations.
This book provides a thorough and understandable introduction to the field of mechanics. It is useful and applied, providing a strong grasp of the essential abilities and multidisciplinary methodology needed to successfully build mechatronic systems. Numerous case studies and the use of mechatronic system models assist to provide a real-world context, and comprehension is tested through exercises and self-test questions.
The book Renewable Energy Systems provides a thorough overview of all the main renewable energy sources, systems, and associated subjects, including fuel cells, generators, wind turbines, solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, and water-related power generation. An Instructor's Manual, a series of PowerPoint slides that supplement the text with visuals, extra examples, essential words, and a True/False quiz are included in the teaching and learning package for the text. Presentation that is easily accessible:
With the goal of teaching circuit analysis in a way that is simpler, more engaging, and easier to comprehend than other more traditional texts, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits builds on the success of its prior editions. Beginning with Chapter 1, students are exposed to the sound six-step problem solving process. Throughout the course, they are often required to use and practice these stages in practice problems and homework problems. This edition is finished with more than 468 new or updated homework problems along with a balance of theory, worked extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications.
This text covers a wide range of qualities of electronic materials that modern engineers require. It is intended for undergraduate students enrolled in the first course on electronic materials for both electrical and electronic engineering. This book is highly student-friendly due to its abundance of worked examples, practice problems, pictures, and images. Furthermore, the book satisfies the prerequisites for both the fundamental electronics course and general solid state physics and devices.
To ensure that the reader gets the most out of the new edition, every chapter has been reviewed again, outdated information has been removed, and new developments have been inserted where appropriate. Scanning Electron Microscope and Scanning Probe Microscope (Scanning Tunneling Microscope & Atomic Force Microscope) are the new topics that have been added as independent chapters. Particle size analyzers are crucial tools for quality control and research and development in a variety of industries, including medicines, ceramics, cement, paints, and emulsions. A new chapter on particle size analyzers and counters has been incorporated in response to user needs in these areas. Important aspects include: - Coverage of current developments in portable instrumentation. - An updated Particle Size Analysis chapter. - Stronger visual impact for graphs and pictures of the newest commercial machinery.
This book from Schaum's Outline Series provides a thorough yet condensed review of electronic devices and circuits. It is meant to be a supplement to all electronic devices and circuits textbooks. It can also be utilized alone as a textbook. A significant portion of the book is made up of multiple choice questions with answers and solved examples, both of which help students grasp concepts. In order to better align the content with the pedagogical approaches used today, solutions using the SPICE method are provided for a number of situations. Important characteristics: updated terminology, fundamental ideas, and concepts pertaining to electronic circuits and devices. Solutions for various situations using the PSPICE approach are offered.
The most recent technological advancements in electrical and communication systems are incorporated into the evised edition. The fundamentals of electricity and electronics are covered in the book before moving on to their applications in small, easy-to-follow steps. Important characteristics: sections addressing how digital and integrated electronics have affected current electronic technology. This chapter discusses applications of television, including picture phones, facsimile machines, closed-circuit television (CCTV), cable television (CATTV), and teletext. Details about frequent problems with televisions and related devices, as well as diagnostic and maintenance techniques. Pedagogy Impoverished Key ideas are summed up at the conclusion of every chapter.
OVERVIEW This undergraduate introduction to electromagnetism covers both static and dynamic fields in a balanced manner. This is the first text that incorporates calculation and computer graphics (using Mathcad) throughout. Important characteristics: transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas are examples of static and dynamic fields that are balanced in order to teach electromagnetic concepts rather than computation techniques. There are 431 homework problems in this textbook; the solutions are found at the end of the book. Contents Table: Chapter 1: Overview Chapter 2: Analysis of Vectors Electrostatic Fields in Chapter 3 Magnetostatic Fields in Chapter 4 Chapter 5: The Equation of Maxwell Chapter 6: Uniform Plane Wave Propagation Chapter 7: Lines of Transmission Chapter 8: Cavity Resonators and Waveguides Section
Since all engineering programs require students to take a basic electronics course, it is necessary to give them a solid foundation in the subject so they can analyze the various electronic circuits and devices they will come across in their daily lives and in various engineering setups. The book Basic Electronics provides information on the interior workings of significant electronic devices, as well as design principles, principles of operation, and circuit analysis, in order to meet the ever-changing requirements of curricula and exams.
The target audience for this text is senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students studying power systems. The introductory chapters have been improved and system protection has been introduced in this second version.
India's electricity distribution industry suffers from high AT&C losses, aging infrastructure, restricted access, and the financial fragility of the majority of utilities. The problems are made worse by the lack of attention paid to customer welfare and service quality. While some industries, like the airline industry, have begun to treat "passengers" as "guests," we are still not prepared to treat "consumers" of energy as "customers." The issue has been made worse by the demands of the low-carbon economy. We are attempting to illustrate a minor method of overcoming some of these obstacles through the case examples in this book.
This book is meant for undergraduate students studying Electrical, Electronics and Communication, and allied engineering fields, who are taking a first-level course on Digital Integrated Electronics.
Electronic devices are employed in many different tasks. Due to this growth, there is a need for competent technicians for repair and maintenance, but there is also a scarcity of them. Test instruments, medical instruments, digital equipment, microcomputers, and equipment with microprocessors are among the devices and parts covered in this book. The reader will soon pick up on the methodical techniques for determining the root causes of errors as well as the useful techniques for fixing them. The book's updated version has undergone extensive revisions and now covers additional subjects like: SMD-based equipment reworking and repair; preventive maintenance of electronic equipmentMaintenance Administration; Diagnostics for Microprocessor-Based DevicesFor students and electrical service technicians alike, this book will be a priceless resource due to its abundance of useful information.
Enhanced treatment of integrated circuit production techniques and layout difficulties, particularly in VLSI design, is included in this updated edition. It also goes into further detail about operational amplifiers and microprocessors.
This book covers the foundational ideas of electrical engineering, including machine control, power generation and distribution equipment, and circuit design and application.
Students can get a comprehensive understanding of electronic circuits and devices from this book. Professional understanding of electronics is conveyed in an engaging, conversational tone with clear writing. Throughout the book, there are exercises for debugging and practical circuit examples.
The book, which is intended for the Communication Systems course, emphasizes understanding wireless, networking, and other communication technologies at the system level. Its salient characteristics include extensive coverage and potent pedagogical elements. Important characteristics: comprehensive update covering new circuits for DAC and ADC, digital modulation, spectral efficiency, and DSP. increased coverage of digital data transmission using the I/Q architecture. "Pioneers of electronics": Students can study with the aid of this unique feature before exams. "Good to know": This offers fascinating new perspectives on the subjects. Every chapter ends with a set of critical thinking exercises. thorough discussion of modern technology, such as Internet technologies Technology for cell phones wireless technology Example Solved for Pedagogy
This book offers a thorough introduction to the Theory of Elasticity in the most straightforward manner possible, together with a collection of solutions to specific issues that are crucial to engineering practice and design.
The books in the Problems and Solutions series are intended to make learning intelligent and simple, particularly in disciplines that involve a lot of numbers. The Problems and Solutions in Electromagnetics is a goldmine of high-quality numericals that have been broken down step-by-step and made understandable for pupils.
A thorough explanation of the fundamentals of electrical and electronics engineering is provided in this book. It starts with a broad overview of electrical engineering fundamentals before explaining electrostatic fields and batteries. The next section explains the fundamental ideas and methods of circuit analysis. A thorough explanation of electric machines, including a discussion of transformers and synchronous motors, came next. The explanation of electrical measurements and instruments comes next, and then a basic electronics exposition. SI units are utilized consistently in the text. Each chapter includes practice problems, objectives questions, and solved examples.
Important Elements A clear explanation of concepts has been provided through participatory pedagogy. All of the major subjects have been covered, including Maxwell's equations, Relativity and electrodynamics, Charges in motion, Electric field, Electric Potential, Electric fields in matter, Electrostatics in the presence of charges, Charges in motion and electric currents, Magnetic field, Magnetic fields in matter, and Alternating currents. A methodical approach to problem solving has been implemented. Concerning the Book: Magnetism, electricity, and electromagnetic theory The entire course on electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic theory that is often taught at the undergraduate level in physics is what this textbook is intended for.
Today's engineering field is multidisciplinary and demands a deep understanding of electrical and electronics engineering fundamentals. A resource for those who are new to the field of electrical and electronics engineering is the book Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering. This book contains a plethora of preliminary material regarding the courses that will be offered for those who choose to explore this subject further. This book will act as a lifetime reference for engineers who want to follow different engineering specialties to comprehend aspects of electrical and electronics engineering that will fall within their scope during their engineering careers.
Engineering Fundamentals In addition to providing a clear and coherent explanation of the principles of electromagnetism, electromagnetics also covers a wide range of fascinating and significant applications. Despite being abridged from his well-known and larger work, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, this book includes several cutting-edge teaching strategies. Every chapter starts with an overview intended to provide the student with motivation and qualitative information regarding the subject matter. Each chapter's review questions and completed examples help students learn the content better. Additional teaching tools in the form of margin notes and remarks boxes that come after the review questions are included throughout the book.
This book, which is one of the most read books, covers the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory as well as how it applies to issues with electromagnetic wave transmission, radiation, and propagation. The book explains how field and matter interact as well as how Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and special relativity are related. Transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas (standard elements, arrays, apertures, frequency-independent, and log-periodic construction) are among the engineering applications discussed. Additional information on freespace, ground wave, and ionospheric propagation rounds out the communication engineer's background requirements.
for Electronics, Circuit Analysis, and Circuit Simulation courses in second and third year Electrical Engineering. This book can serve as a textbook for teaching the simulation of electronics and electrical circuits using Orcad Capture, Windows-based PSpice Schematics, PSpice A_D, and SPICE, using industry-standard tools. It could be used as an addition to books on fundamental circuits and/or electronics since it covers subjects related to basic circuits and electronics.
This book, which was created with undergraduate students in mind, covers all the essential ideas behind electronic devices and circuits in detail. Integrated circuit theory and all other core ideas are thoroughly presented, along with the relevant pictures. Bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors, equivalent circuits, graphs, and circuit schematics have all received special attention.
A thorough synthesis of the theoretical and practical facets of electronic measurements and instrumentation is given in Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation. This book, which is divided into eight chapters, covers every subject on the syllabus in detail with an emphasis on oscilloscopes and transducers.
Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology, 10e
In RF Microelectronics, Second Edition, readers are guided step-by-step through the entire process of RF analysis and design, from specification to workable solution. Behzad Razavi has extensively updated his classic text to include the most recent advancements in RF design, circuits, and devices, as well as to more thoroughly cover all of the important subjects. With a stronger tutorial focus, this version will be even more beneficial to students, while practicing engineers will find it necessary due to its more methodical coverage of the newest technology.
The ninth edition of Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version) offers a comprehensive introduction to programmable devices, analog integrated circuits, and a strong foundation in fundamental analog electronics. Students can better understand how a circuit contributes to the overall function of a system by using the text's identification of its circuits and components. The text places a significant emphasis on real-world application and troubleshooting, which is supported by simple-to-follow practical examples. The ninth version, which has been updated throughout, includes a new chapter titled "Basic Programming Concepts for Automated Testing" along with new GreenTech Applications. Every chapter includes a section on "GreenTech Applications," which introduces students to these relatively new technologies in light of the recent and considerable efforts to develop sustainable, renewable energy sources to complement and eventually replace fossil fuels.
Cambridge University Press is now offering this well-known undergraduate electrodynamics textbook in a more reasonably priced printing. The Fourth Edition gives a solid foundation for investigating related applications (such as AC circuits, antennas, transmission lines, plasmas, optics, and more) and presents a rigorous, clear, and approachable study of the principles of electromagnetic theory. This textbook, which was written with undergraduate students' conceptual challenges in mind, uses thoughtful visuals and well-selected examples to demonstrate the theoretical concepts. It includes many problems, ranging from simple to complex, so that students can be assigned some to boost their confidence and others to stretch their wits. It strikes a balance between text and equations, allowing the physics to come through without sacrificing the rigor of the math.
Solid State Electronic Devices, one of the most popular introductory books on semiconductor materials, physics, devices, and technology, aims to provide students with a solid understanding of current semiconductor devices and technology so they can appreciate their applications to electronic and optoelectronic circuits and systems. It also develops basic concepts in semiconductor physics to help students better understand current and future devices. Pupils are prepared to read a large portion of the current literature on new gadgets and applications by raising their level of comprehension.
This scholarly work, which has received high praise both domestically and internationally, fills the knowledge gap between circuits and modern electromagnetic materials. Ulaby starts his lesson with transmission lines and progresses from basic ideas to more complex subjects and applications. This redesign keeps the student-friendly format while adding full color and taking instructor and student comments into account.
Prerequisite courses in algebra, trigonometry, and dc/ac circuits are necessary for undergraduate one- or two-semester courses in electrical power transmission and/or distribution. This cutting-edge text provides students with a practical orientation and an introduction to electrical power distribution and transmission through its simple, easy-to-read writing style.
The book is intended to meet the requirements of electronics and communication engineering undergraduate students. Key concepts in the field of pulse and digital circuits are covered in an approachable, clear writing manner for students. This text serves as an introduction, going over the fundamental ideas behind the creation, use, and examination of waveshaping circuits. An introductory chapter that goes over the ideas required to grasp the material is included in the book. The book includes self-explanatory circuit schematics to go along with each idea. The text offers a thorough examination of important ideas, interspersed with a large number of solved problems. The book covers sweep generators and multivibrators in great depth.
The book Digital Electronics covers both Integrated Circuits and Digital Electronics Fundamentals in an accurate and comprehensive manner. This book brings together information on basic theory, operational features, and possible applications to provide a thorough and practical study of digital electronics. Diagrams and design examples abound in each of the book's chapters. A thorough self-evaluation exercise consisting of multiple-choice and objective type questions (along with answers) wraps up each chapter. Current application sectors including microprocessors, microcontrollers, and programmable logic devices are covered in-depth in this book. Comprehensive information on multiplexers, de-multiplexers, arithmetic operation devices, flip-flops and associated devices, counters and registers, and data conversion circuits is provided in this invaluable reference book.