The book covers a wide range of topics, including the epidemiology, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of hepatobiliary and GI diseases. It also emphasizes evidence-based clinical practice in hepatology and gastroenterology, as well as the basic aspects of liver and GI diseases. The preventive aspects of liver, biliary, and GI diseases are duly highlighted. The text is well-balanced, neither too brief nor too elaborated. It is anticipated to be useful for specialists, postgraduate students, and residents alike. Contributors from the East and West ensure a balanced focus on both Eastern and Western disease patterns. Finally, the book is suitable for quick reference.
This comprehensive book offers readers up-to-date knowledge on common ailments in the field of sports medicine. Muscle tears are a highly prevalent pathology in sports and a major reason for stopping athletic activity.
The new research and ideas in sports medicine are the focus of this book. Sports medicine has been a developing field in the United States and Western Europe over the past several years. Significant progress has been made in understanding the basic
This book is a well-organized, well regarded reference that examines the Achilles tendon in depth. The Achilles tendon has long attracted a lot of interest. Its disorders include a wide range of issues, such as aches, bumps, and swelling as well as functional impairment and sporadic ruptures. The best course of treatment and the cause are still hot topics of discussion. This book is an attempt to give some of the solutions to some of the unanswered questions that have previously been the subject of extensive research and effort.
This book discusses immunology from a scientific and therapeutic standpoint. The book is quite succinct and contains information that is quite pertinent to the subject of the human immune system and its function in health and sickness. Immunosuppression is any action that reduces the immune system's effectiveness. In scientific medicine, therapeutic immunosuppression has applications ranging from the management of autoimmune and inflammatory illnesses to the prevention and treatment of organ and bone marrow transplant rejection. The molecular mechanisms and active therapeutic strategies employed for immunosuppression in many human disease conditions have advanced significantly as a result of this book. This book brings together all the key details from around the globe that were previously scattered among various biomedical journals.
The need for an interdisciplinary approach to problems arising from biology or medicine has become more widely recognized in the last few years. As a result, new fields of applied physics and mathematics have emerged, such as mathematical biology and biomechanics.
A thorough understanding of skeletal muscles is provided by this book, which was prepared by prominent professionals. The book covers a wide range of topics related to the morphology of skeletal muscles and their uses. It covers the process of skeletal muscle renewal and myogenesis as well as the morphological and functional changes brought on by usage or exercise. The application of molecular biology techniques to the investigations gives a novel perspective on how skeletal muscle problems are perceived. A stronger foundation for medicinal interventions is provided by a greater investigation of neuromuscular signal transduction and modification. The goal of this book is to aid readers in better understanding the topic.
Muscular dystrophy is a very diverse collection of inherited neuromuscular illnesses, with over 30 different types and subtypes now known, and numerous more that need to be identified and categorized. The many muscular dystrophies, the genes associated with each subtype, disease diagnosis, management, and therapy possibilities are all thoroughly examined in this book. Although each unique kind and subtype of muscular dystrophy has a unique gene associated with its causation, the majority of these types share clinical manifestations, making molecular diagnosis essential for both patient care and disease diagnosis.
Information about the symptoms and management of hypothyroidism has been included in this book. The hypothyroidism condition presents a far greater challenge to humanity than research and reports have suggested. It is the most common thyroid condition, and many people continue to have it without even realizing it. Slow metabolism is this disease's most typical sign. Age-related increases in this disorder's subclinical manifestation have been estimated to range from 3 to 8%. It has been well noted that, with a 10% incidence, it affects women more frequently than men. Hypothyroidism impacts neurological conditions, lipid metabolism, and other medical conditions.
• Written in accordance with the most recent MBBS and MD (Microbiology) curricula. • Completely updates and expands each chapter to incorporate new information while rearranging them in a sequential manner. • Incorporates the most recent developments in each field, such as treatment resistance in malaria and leishmaniasis, and vaccination trials. The novel and updated appearance revitalizes the reading experience. • Has a ton of fresh images, tables, and flow charts. • Completely rewrites the prophylactic, treatment, and laboratory diagnosis methods. • Outlines key ideas in distinct boxes to help with postgraduate test preparation. • Provides Key Points for final-minute revision in a box format at the conclusion of each chapter.
This extensive book contains information about endometriosis that is centered on research. It aims to give insight into the evolving patterns in endometriosis progression, diagnosis, and treatment. An overview of endometriosis is given in this book, along with a discussion of the most recent research findings on the condition's relationship to ovarian cancer, infertility, endometrial receptivity, and altered gene expression. It also covers a variety of predictive markers, imaging modalities, such as MRI and ultrasound, for accurate diagnosis, and current non-hormonal and hormonal treatment approaches. For medical professionals, researchers, and students seeking to learn more about endometriosis and its latest scientific developments, this book will be an invaluable and comprehensive resource.
This book offers a comprehensive collection of knowledge on many topics in the fields of myeloma research, diagnosis, and treatment. It is astounding how new medications are tested in clinical trials to treat multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma's intricate etiology has been revealed by scientific research, and super cocktails have been developed as a result of the disease's complex treatment reactions. The professional myeloma community as a whole is concerned about the curability of multiple myeloma, and improving prognosis is a fact that is crucial from the patient's perspective. Hemato-oncology-focused medical professionals, students, and seasoned researchers are the target audience for this work.
This comprehensive book covers all the key issues related to the syphilis sickness. The earliest recorded case of the sexually transmitted illness syphilis was in the fifteenth century. Syphilis is a disease that affects people all around the world, and Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum is the cause (92). This book intends to present the most recent data on T. pallidum combined with an updated and historical description of syphilis and venereal illness.
All things considered, a phéochromocytoma is an uncommon tumor of the tissue of the adrenal gland. This book explains the pathophysiology of pheochromocytoma by describing its anatomical and histological features, related signaling networks, experimental models, and programmed cell death. It clarifies specific aspects of clinical presentation, with a focus on headache and heart clinical symptoms. Additionally, it offers descriptions of laboratory, imaging, and clinical diagnosis, including differential diagnosis. The book uses a number of clinical cases to explain how pheochromocytoma is treated. Two cases have been documented, one involving inherited tumors that secrete catecholamines and the other involving an undetected pheochromocytoma that compounded multiple organ failure. It is therefore appropriate to state that this book takes a different tack than the traditional one when discussing pheochromocytoma.
The purpose of this current book is to inform readers about germ cell cancers. It provides a context for the most recent data on germ cell cancers. It covers the biology, genetics, regime models, and clinical manifestations of germ cell cancers in both adults and children. The focus of the book is on testicular germ cell cancers, which are becoming more common in young guys. Analysis of the pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment plans for seminomatous and non-seminomatous germ cell cancers of the testes as well as precursor lesions and pre-invasive lesions are also included. The diagnostic and current treatment options for pediatric cerebral germ cell tumors are also clarified in the book.
This excellent book features illustrations of advances in the neoadjuvant chemotherapeutic therapy of various tumor types from authors from throughout the world. Extensive information about the use of this therapy in the treatment of breast cancer is provided based on the extensive experience with this management strategy. The treatment of non-breast cancers with this therapy is also covered in the book. This book aims to give readers a thorough understanding of the reasoning behind neoadjuvant chemotherapy, current evidence-based data regarding its use, the limitations of this approach, and the necessary future research projects to comprehend the process of optimizing the advantages of this novel management concept.
In recent years, there has been a notable advancement in our understanding of brain tumors through microscopic analysis. There has been a wealth of information available regarding how cancers respond to radiation and chemotherapy. These new, effective regimen methods can help tackle tumors, a problem to humanity. With a focus on molecular focused therapies, this book offers insight into current knowledge about many of the new therapeutic approaches as well as information about previously discussed issues.
This book's objective is to inform readers about malignant mesothelioma. The knowledge of reputable experts in the field of malignant mesothelioma, a very invasive tumor of mesothelium, the protective lining covering various bodily cavities, is compiled in this book. Malignant mesothelioma progresses incredibly slowly and is resistant to almost all treatments. As such, it presents significant treatment issues. Numerous significant topics about malignant mesothelioma are covered in this book, including immunology, molecular processes, epidemiology, and treatment alternatives. Readers who are interested in learning more about the pathology, history, and therapy of malignant mesothelioma will find it to be very helpful.
The collection of glands in an organism's endocrine system are responsible for secreting hormones directly into the circulatory system, where they are then transported to a distal target organ. This book includes several significant chapters on endocrine and hormone-related disorders that have been reviewed by renowned researchers and medical professionals from around the world. It focuses on the most recent developments in the field, including neuroendocrine and pituitary tumors, thyroid issues, diabetes, and a variety of endocrine-related conditions, including those caused by the anabolic effects of testosterone, obesity, cancer, and pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
An antioncogene is another name for a tumor suppressor gene. Tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) and their suggesting structures have grown quickly in recent years in biomedical science. This group of genes is not only involved in tumor suppression; many other biological processes depend on them as well. This book discusses significant developments in this field, from first to explanatory findings. Examples are the several TSG suggesting channels addressed in this book, as well as the mouse and Drosophila models used to study these novel genes, both of which were supported by experimental data. A thorough explanation of the in-depth study of micro-RNAs in the control of tumor evolution has been given.
This book uses a wealth of data to mainly address the subject of tumor suppressor genes. Considerable data from somatic cell fusion studies suggests that a subset of genes from healthy cells may be able to restore or replace a malfunctioning function in cancer cells. The study of hereditary retinoblastoma led to the development of tumorigenesis that might be induced by two mutations, ultimately resulting in the cloning of the RB1 gene. Since then, the two-hit theory has aided in the identification of several tumor suppressor genes (TSG). Recently, descriptive analyses have been conducted on the functions of haploinsufficiency, gene dosage consequences, and epigenetic control in a few TSGs, including PTEN, P16, and P53.
In-depth discussions of the most recent treatments for Parkinson's disease (PD) can be found throughout this book. The biological cause of this disease is the loss of dopamine-producing cells and intra-neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions primarily composed of synuclein. The condition is clinically defined by different progressive motor and non-motor symptoms. Before individuals are diagnosed with even the most mild symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) at the clinic, a significant percentage of the cells in the substantia nigra have already been destroyed. Despite the existing treatments, this damage persists until the rate of cell loss is so great that the standard of living is in jeopardy. Levodopa, a precursor to dopamine, is the most significant medication now prescribed for Parkinson's disease (PD).
This comprehensive book explains the combined methods to colitis. Colon inflammation is referred to as colitis. Although there are several potential causes, the symptoms are always the same. For the disease to be properly treated, the right therapy must be chosen in accordance with the accurate diagnosis. Over the past few years, the focus of research on the pathophysiology of colitis has shifted from infectious to idiopathic inflammatory bowel illnesses. Hospitalized and immunocompromised people are more likely to experience colitis cases linked to certain infections and chemical therapy, respectively. A deeper comprehension of the pathophysiology, resolution strategies, and treatment approaches for colitis is offered by this book.
One of the most prevalent chronic infections in humans is peptic ulcer disease. Despite centuries of research, many people, particularly those in developing nations, are still troubled by this illness. There are situations when it results in fatalities or major side effects like cancer. The most recent research on peptic ulcer disease is included in this book, which was compiled by renowned scientists from around the globe. It covers subjects like pathophysiology, molecular-cellular mechanisms, and the origin of the illness.
One dangerous chronic illness is inflammatory bowel disease. This book discusses recent advancements in the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease with a particular focus on the condition. It also clarifies many of the more recent criteria that have been added to the etiopathogeny of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, such as defective intestinal barriers and the functions of TH 17 cells and IL 17 in the immune response in inflammatory bowel disease. This book also covers a wide range of important scientific subjects. Pregnancy during inflammatory bowel disease and health following various therapies, for example, have been discussed. Finally, advancements in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease patients have been discussed, along with a review of current research in this field.
This comprehensive book contains an updated and rewritten investigation in the context of paresthesia. Paresthesias are defined as sudden, produced, atypical feelings of burning, tingling, prickling, or numbness without any discernible, long-term physical consequences on the skin. Patients typically describe an intense, scorching pain that is frequently accompanied by hyperalgesia and allodynia. Paresthesia may be either transitory or chronic. Hyperventilation syndrome or panic attacks can produce transient paresthesia, while neuropathy, poor circulation, nerve irritation, and other diseases can cause persistent paresthesia.
Sarcoidosis is a severe chronic condition that is discussed in this book. Sarcoid lesions were first described by Sir Jonathan Hutchinson over a century ago, but the granulomatous disease's etiology is still unknown. While many sarcoidosis patients experience spontaneous remission, some patients experience chronic illness or return following treatment, which is still an unknown feature of the disease. This book presents new findings and breakthroughs in the continuing sarcoidosis research that add to our knowledge of the disorder's complexity.
The disease atherosclerosis is long-lasting. This book addresses several important topics related to inflammation and oxidative pressure and discusses recent advances in the dynamics of cholesterol transport. It will provide information about the functions of certain cytokines, oxidative stress, and inflammation in atherosclerosis. For everyone interested in the many facets of this illness, including researchers, physicians, and students, this book will be important.
This book provides an informative account based on the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) condition. It serves the purpose of disseminating up-to-date knowledge and fascinating perspectives related to extensive research into existing and potential treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. It contains the works of renowned rheumatology researchers from around the globe. For scientists and researchers working in the field of RA and other inflammatory arthropathies, it is an invaluable source of reference and offers insights into potential study fields.
In this enlightening work, novel strategies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are explored. A lot of research and development is now being done in the field of medicine that deals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. On the basis of fresh findings, conclusions and parameters are always being drawn. fresh theories are being developed, reexamined, and abandoned daily due to fresh discoveries. This book contains a collection of opinions and remarks from specialists in numerous fields related to these hypotheses. Reviews that clarify instances of these fresh discoveries that serve as a foundation for reexamining old ideas are also included.
The most prevalent type of arthritis in humans is described in detail in the book. If osteoarthritis is present, it is crucial to make the diagnosis, prevention, signs, and treatment options as easy to access as possible. Understanding of this condition has advanced with the realization that it is more than just a degenerative joint disease. The causes of intervention have been identified as ligamentous anomalies, malalignments, overuse, as well as biomechanical and metabolic variables. The detection of excessive bone growth at joint margins serves as the basis for the diagnosis of this condition. Contrast this with overdevelopment of bone at vertebral margins, which has been called spondylosis deformans and is not a symptomatic phenomenon.
The management and control of the chronic viral hepatitis disease are discussed in this book. To ensure advancement in diagnostics and therapies, it is essential to continuously acquire the most recent medical knowledge. Treatment for viral hepatitis has shown notable growth in the field of hepatology during the past ten years. This book, which deals with the same issues, was put together by a group of experts who deal with clinical issues related to the prevention and management of liver diseases on a daily basis. It is written for a global readership and is intended to provide some useful advice to doctors who want to advance their level of practice in this area. It is a useful book for everyday use as well as a way to advance knowledge of viral hepatology and investigate open questions.
A few years ago, it was widely believed that many medical professionals held a pessimistic opinion about the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), however this opinion has since evolved. This book on COPD serves as a forum for the presentation of studies and hypotheses on this condition by specialists throughout the world. It covers a wide range of subjects, from the most recent discoveries in basic science to cutting-edge COPD treatments. Additionally, for effective therapy of COPD, useful insights from specialized domains including cardiology, geriatric medicine, and neuropsychiatry are also needed. The results of current studies on COPD point to a promising future. The ultimate goal in any situation is to improve the status, health, and survival of COPD patients.
This book provides a thorough analysis of the various facets of autoimmune illnesses and their effects. Over 60 different chronic autoimmune disorders comprise the umbrella term "autoimmune diseases," which affects about 6% of the population.
This book tries to give the most recent information on renal failure's etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. Acute and chronic renal failures both pose serious medical issues and have an impact on many nations' economies.
In depth discussion of pancreatitis' complications and treatment is the main focus of this book. Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic. It can have similar etiologies, but they usually have separate natural histories. Alcohol abuse and gallstone disease are identified as the causes of about 80% of occurrences of acute pancreatitis (AP). The typical symptom of this illness is the sudden development of upper abdominal pain, which is typically severe enough to prompt the patient to seek quick medical assistance. Typically, 10–25% of cases of this condition are considered to be serious, which results in a 7–30% death rate.
Survival rates for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), a disease with a changeable course, ranging from months to decades. In terms of cellular multiplication, clinical aggressiveness, and predictability, it is clear that clinical heterogeneity represents biologic variation with two basic kinds. Pancytopenia and decreased immunoglobulin production are signs of pancytopenia, which develops as CLL advances. Nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue or malaise, then follow. In typical circumstances, a remedy is difficult to locate, thus therapy is postponed (until symptoms appear) with the goal of extending life and removing symptoms. The research of the primary cause of CLL and the function of genetics in the emergence of this condition is being greatly assisted by experts.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a degenerative, chronic condition. This book aims to provide current, intriguing, and thought-provoking perspectives on a number of research-related topics surrounding current and possible treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.
Virtually every organ in the human body is susceptible to autoimmune disorders, a diverse collection of illnesses with many different manifestations. By offering an etiopathogenetic review of both systemic and local manifestations, this book aims to highlight those that are now accessible.
Written by well-known specialists, this book includes in-depth analyses and investigations on celiac disease (CD). For those who are genetically susceptible, consuming gluten-containing cereals can cause CD, an immune-mediated enteropathy. A previously unrecognized range of clinical symptoms, such as the typical malabsorption syndrome and a variety of symptoms that could possibly disrupt any organ structure, can be indicative of CD. Since CD frequently presents in an uncommon way, many cases go untreated and increase the risk of long-term problems, such as cancer, neurological disorders, anemia, and other hematological illnesses. Many issues are raised by the disorder's prevalence and variety of clinical results.
This comprehensive book includes up-to-date information on gene therapy applications. After years of disappointing results, gene therapy has finally earned the respect it deserves. Scientists and practitioners can now readily tackle issues that once caused them difficulty. With the advancement of cell therapy and safe, efficient gene transfer, new approaches to treating a wide range of illnesses are now possible. The goal of the book is to compile data from multiple sources regarding applications and hereditary diseases. Key topics covered include molecular therapy for lysosomal storage diseases, primary immunodeficiencies, gene therapy for retinitis pigmentosa, and clinical and translational challenges in gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases.
The most recent information on radiation therapy practices is included in this book. In economically developed regions of the world, cancer is currently the top cause of death, whereas in underdeveloped nations, it ranks second. It is a serious issue for world health that is becoming worse very quickly. Global data show that, in 2030 alone, there would likely be 21.4 million new instances of cancer and 13.2 million cancer deaths. These numbers are mostly attributable to population aging, expansion, and the adoption of novel lifestyles and activities. Because of recent technological advancements, radiation treatment is one of the most effective cancer treatment methods now available.
Gene therapy has become very popular recently as a result of new findings. Scientists and practitioners can now readily tackle issues that once caused them difficulty. With the advancement of cell therapy and safe, efficient gene transfer, new approaches to treating a wide range of illnesses are now possible. The book's objective is to gather data from diverse sources regarding a range of biological gene therapy instruments. Among the key topics discussed are transposons for non-viral gene transfer, cancer gene therapy, lentiviral gene therapy vectors, gene therapy based on fragment C of tetanus toxin in ALS, and biological concepts in the design of multifunctional non-viral delivery systems.
The past few years have seen significant advancements in cancer therapy, particularly in the area of systemic therapeutic growth. Opportunities to increase the efficacy of surgery have seemed to arise with improvements in response rates in solid tumors. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, which is systemic therapy administered before to surgery, is one way that doctors have successfully reduced the amount of surgery performed and, in certain situations, improved the clinical results. The book compiles writings by knowledgeable medical professionals from a range of specialties to provide an analysis of recent developments in the way neoadjuvant chemotherapy works with various tumor types.
One of the most important steroid hormones, glucocorticoids have been employed in clinical settings for their therapeutic effects, notably in cases of anti-inflammation. Numerous bodily functions are under the influence of glucocorticoids.
This book covers recent advances in the investigation of gene delivery structures. The book discusses a variety of factors in the enhancement of gene therapy, various gene delivery systems, techniques to improve delivery, materials with alteration and multifunction for the targeting of tumors or tissues, and more. This book will help specialists understand the essential concepts of DNA molecular biology, DNA management, and gene delivery systems.
The purpose of this book is to provide up-to-date knowledge on the emphysema condition. One of the main kinds of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is emphysema.
Worldwide, population genetics is a major area of research. The book explains the primary evolutionary processes that affect the allele frequency distribution and evolution, while highlighting the core ideas in population genetics. Migration, mechanisms of speciation and extinction, population structure and size, inbreeding, and interbreeding have all been covered while including various data collection strategies and molecular techniques used to identify DNA sequence variety in the context of genetic polymorphism research. Additionally, the book offers statistical and computational methods that are typically employed to handle data related to population genetics. These methods will be crucial for understanding the ideas covered.