Written for Electrical Engineers and others hoping to get into FPGA design, VHDL 101 makes the assumption that readers have some familiarity with engineering "process" and a foundational understanding of digital design. The reader is quickly brought up to speed on methods and functions frequently used in VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language), along with commands and data types, by industry expert Bill Kafig. For optimal comprehension, the content is accompanied by extensive, straightforward, and complete designs. A section on design re-use, which is crucial for today's engineers who must meet deadlines and cut costs per unit, closes the book. * Quickly brings you up to speed on VHDL, cutting costs and time to market. * Covers commonly used industry nomenclature. * Learn from "best design practices"; For ease of learning, it covers the fundamentals, including language concepts, and provides thorough design examples.

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  • Brand: Newnes
  • SKU: 9781856177047
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Product details

  • William Kafig (Author)
  • Publisher:  Newnes (an imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd ); Illustrated edition (January 28, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • Paperback:  200 pages
  • ISBN-10: 1856177041
  • ISBN-13:  978-1856177047
  • Item Weight:  386 g
  • Dimensions:  19.05 x 1.24 x 23.5 cm
  • Country of Origin: USA